


(1) 表示特指:特指某人/物,一般指上文出现过的、或双方都明白的。

比如:He comes from a working family. The family is warm and kind to the society.

Open the door, please.

比较:We need a man who knows the road as a guide.


We need the man who knows the road as a guide.


(2) 特指独一无二的某事/人/物。

比如:The sun is shining in the sky.

(3) 用于最高级前:即用于形容词或副词的最高级前。

比如:The biggest apple was eaten before the breakfast by his brother.

(4) 用于比较级前,特指两个被比较对象中的一个。

  如:Of the two choices, the first one is more challenging yet more meaningful.

(5) 放在形容词前面表示类别,此时形容词后面不带名词。

比如:The quickest often is the most careless. (表示具体人物/事件的时候往往表示复数)

The most beautiful does not necessarily mean the most welcomed. (表示抽象概念时,一般用做单数)

(6) 用于方向或方位前。

比如:Don’t turn to the left, turn to the right.

He was buried to the east where his hometown is.

(7) 用于序数词前面。

比如:The first one is the most popular, the second one is the most difficult.

(8) 用于乐器名称前。

比如:Please play the piano for us. (指乐曲)


比如:Please buy a piano for your son.

(9) 用于复数姓氏前,表示全家人。

比如:The Smith are all for the Britain.

(10) 用于夫妇姓氏前,表示夫妇俩。

比如:The Blacks have three lovely children.

(11) 用来指代前文提到的人某身体部位或衣着部分。

比如:He was hit in his arm.

(12) 用于整十数的年代词前,后面跟复数年代名词。

比如:My mother began to learn Huai Opera in the nineties.

(13) 表示计算单位,含有 a, each, per 之类的意义

比如:Our work is paid by the hour.


(14) 用于江、(运)河、海、洋以及山脉、群岛、半岛、海岛、 海峡、沙漠等名称的前。

如: the Changjiang River 长江 the Himalays 喜马拉雅山

  the Pacific Ocean 太平洋  the Red Sea 红海

一些不能使用the 的情况:

(1) 不能放在人称代词前面 比如:the his books (错误用法)

(2) 不能放在much/many 或some/any等表示部分的指代词前面

比如:the much water

(3) 零冠词的现象是指与抽象名词搭配时可起“有定特指”的作用

比如:Society turns people into criminals and then locks them up. 

(4) 有些名词用于类指时通常不用冠词

比如:It is easy to write something for television yet difficult for radio.

(5) 疾病通常用作不可数名词,前面不用the

比如:He’s got measles.

(6) 有一些特殊文体,如新闻标题、告示标题、电报、报纸标题等等,不用冠词

比如:Stand Up and Say no to Boss