


综合类 211工程 双一流 公办 普通本科


苏州大学前身东吴大学(Soochow University),它成立于1900年,是中国第一所以现代大学学科体系为基础的大学。它是中国第一所开展法律(英国、美国和法律)专业教育、研究生教育和硕士学位的大学。它也是中国第一所创办学校报纸的大学。1952年,苏南师范学院由东吴大学文理学院、苏南文化教育学院、江南大学数学系组成,同年更名为江苏师范学院。1952年,苏南师范学院由东吴大学文理学院、苏南文化教育学院、江南大学数学系组成,同年更名为江苏师范学院。1982年,学校更名为苏州大学(Soochow University)。随后,苏州蚕桑学院(1995年)、苏州丝绸工程学院(1997年)和苏州医学院(2000年)相继并入。

Suzhou university

Comprehensive 211 Project Double First-class Public Common Undergraduate

Soochow University, referred to as "Suzhou University", is located in Suzhou City. It is a "Double First-Class" university jointly built by the Ministry of Education and the government of Jiangsu Province. It is one of the first batch of universities listed in the national "Project 211" and "2011 Plan".[1]

Founded in 1900, Soochow University, formerly Soochow University, was the first University in China to offer professional education in law (Anglo-American law), the first to offer graduate education and grant master's degrees, and the first University to establish a journal in China. 1952 The College of Arts and Sciences of Soochow University, College of Culture and Education of South Jiangsu and Department of Mathematics and Science of Jiangnan University were merged to form Jiangsu Normal College. In the same year, it was renamed Jiangsu Normal College. In 1982, it was renamed Soochow University. Later, Suzhou Sericulture College (1995), Suzhou Silk Institute of Technology (1997) and Suzhou Medical College (2000) were merged into one another.