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The One Bel Air, the biggest modern home in the U.S., is a 105,000-square-foot mansion with a sky deck and putting green, nightclub, several swimming pools, a 50-seat theater and a four-lane bowling alley.

贝莱尔一号(One Bel Air)是美国最大的现代化住宅,占地10.5万平方英尺(约合454平方米),有空中露台和果岭、夜总会、几个游泳池、一个50座的剧院和一个四车道的保龄球馆。

Most people are overjoyed to have a couple thousand square feet to call their own, but the world's ultra-wealthy are living in far more space than that. From ultramodern mansions to historically significant properties, there are a handful of truly huge houses scattered around the world, each with their own perks and amenities. Here are six of the world's biggest houses, going from "smallest" to largest. Our list doesn't include places like the Palace of Versailles, which is no longer a home, but rather a museum.


Contents 内容

  1. The One 一个
  2. Villa Leopolda 别墅Leopolda
  3. Witanhurst Witanhurst
  4. Antilia 安提利亚
  5. Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫
  6. Istana Nurul Iman Palace 努尔伊曼宫

1. The One 一个


The dining room inside The One Bel Air has a view of its 10,000-bottle wine cellar.

The One Bel Air酒店的餐厅可以看到它的10000瓶酒窖。

Located in the elite Los Angeles suburb of Bel Air, The One was purchased in March 2022 at auction by Fashion Nova owner Richard Saghian for $141 million. Originally, the estate was listed for a whopping $295 million, but no one offered anywhere near that sum for the 21-bedroom, 49-bathroom stunner. Before that, the property was developed over a 10-year period by a former film producer named Nile Niami.

the One位于洛杉矶精英郊区贝艾尔(Bel Air),于2022年3月被Fashion Nova的所有者Richard Saghian以1.41亿美元的价格拍卖。最初,这处房产的挂牌价高达2.95亿美元,但没有人给这座21间卧室、49间浴室的豪宅出价接近这个数字。在此之前,该物业由一位名叫尼罗·尼阿米(Nile Niami)的前电影制片人花了10年时间开发。

However, when lenders decided to foreclose, his firm had to file for bankruptcy, and the huge mansion achieved dubious status as the highest auction price ever for a home in the U.S. In addition to five swimming pools and a 30-car garage, The One boasts 74,000 square feet (6,875 square meters) of luxe space and all the modern amenities a fashion magnate could ask for, including a nightclub, a 10,000-bottle wine cellar and a 5,000 square-foot (464 square-meter) master bedroom. It is considered the largest modern house in America.

然而,当贷方决定取消抵押品赎回权时,他的公司不得不申请破产,这座巨大的豪宅成为了美国有史以来最高的住宅拍卖价格。除了五个游泳池和一个可容纳30个车位的车库,the One拥有74,000平方英尺(合6,875平方米)的豪华空间,以及时尚大亨可能要求的所有现代设施,包括一个夜总会、一个10,000瓶葡萄酒的酒窖和一个5,000平方英尺(合464平方米)的主卧。它被认为是美国最大的现代住宅。

2. Villa Leopolda 别墅Leopolda


The exterior view of Villa Leopolda in France.


The French Riviera is home to Villa Leopolda, which was originally built by King Leopold II of Belgium, then presented as a gift to his mistress, a French teenage prostitute. The stunning 18-acre estate appears in the classic movie "To Catch a Thief" and includes 11 bedrooms and 14 bathrooms. It offers unparalleled views of the Mediterranean, as well as a greenhouse, botanical gardens and even a helipad. Today, Villa Leopolda is considered the most expensive private residence in all of Europe, with 80,000 square feet (7,432 square meters) of space. It is currently owned by a Russian billionaire who bought it for $750 million in 2008.


3. Witanhurst


A general view of the gatehouse of Witanhurst, a property owned by Russian oligarch Andrey Guryev, March 24, 2022. It's reported to be the second-largest private residence in London after Buckingham Palace.

2022年3月24日,俄罗斯寡头安德烈·古里耶夫(Andrey Guryev)拥有的维坦赫斯特(Witanhurst)门房的全景。据报道,它是伦敦仅次于白金汉宫的第二大私人住宅。

The second-most impressive estate in London (more about the first in a moment), Witanhurst is 90,000 square feet (8,361 square meters) of luxury. It's currently owned by a Russian oligarch named Andrey Guryev, although he's not believed to actually live there full-time. The $400 million Georgian Revival mansion has 25 bedrooms and is a study in amenities, including a sauna, 70-foot (21-meter) swimming pool, movie theater, ballroom and massage parlor. Finished in 1920, it was recently renovated.

维坦赫斯特是伦敦第二令人印象深刻的豪宅(稍后将详细介绍第一豪宅),拥有9万平方英尺(8361平方米)的豪宅。目前,它的主人是一位名叫安德烈·古里耶夫(Andrey Guryev)的俄罗斯寡头,尽管人们认为他实际上并没有全职住在那里。这栋耗资4亿美元的乔治亚复兴式豪宅有25间卧室,是一间书房,设施齐全,包括桑拿房、70英尺(21米)的游泳池、电影院、舞厅和按摩院。它于1920年完工,最近进行了翻新。

4. Antilia


Antilia is one of the tallest buildings in Mumbai, India, and has a 168-car garage.


At 400,000 square feet (37,000 square meters), the Mumbai skyscraper of Antilia dwarfs even the most opulent personal residences out there, yet is only the third-biggest house on this list. Not surprisingly, it is the current Guinness record holder for largest house (owned by an individual).The property is found on South Mumbai's ultra-swank Altamount Road, one of the most expensive areas in the world. It is owned by Indian business magnate Mukesh Ambani, who commissioned it to be able to withstand an earthquake of up to 8 on the Richter scale.


The property is managed by a staff of 600 and although it's "only" 27 stories, their oversized stature actually makes it as tall as the average 60-story building. Six floors alone are dedicated to housing up to 168 cars, plus there's also a movie theater, beauty salon, ice cream parlor, nine high-speed elevators and much more. Since Mumbai is known for its high temperatures, Ambani even had a "snow room" put in. In that room, artificial snowflakes shoot out from the walls. The whole thing cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $1-2 billion to construct.

这处房产由600名员工管理,尽管它“只有”27层,但他们超大的身材实际上与一般的60层建筑一样高。仅六层就可容纳168辆汽车,此外还有电影院、美容院、冰淇淋店、9部高速电梯等。由于孟买以高温著称,安巴尼甚至还建了一个“雪屋”。在那个房间里,人造雪花从墙上射出来。整个工程的建设成本大约在10 – 20亿美元左右。

5. Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫


Buckingham Palace is the biggest private residence in England.


Britain's royals don't take care of business in bland old cubicles. Instead, England's Buckingham Palace serves as both the home of the sovereign and the royal administrative headquarters. Technically, Buckingham Palace doesn't belong to the British monarch (i.e., he/she can't sell it). It is owned by the Crown Estate, an independent company which gives any profits to the British Treasury.


With 775 rooms to its credit, including 52 royal bedrooms and guest quarters, there are also 19 state rooms and 188 staff bedrooms on-site. This is one mansion you can pay to visit, though the private rooms will be off limits. The true stars of the property are probably the regal throne room and the gilded white drawing room, which contains a Victorian-era gilded piano. Currently, the property is valued at a whopping $4.9 billion for the 828,000-plus square feet (76,924 square meters) of space.


6. Istana Nurul Iman Palace 努尔伊曼宫


The Sultan of Brunei held a banquet at Istana Nurul Iman the day after the wedding of his son, the crown prince, in 2004. The palace is considered the biggest house in the world.


The official residence of the Sultan of Brunei, this massive estate cost more than $1.4 billion to build — and that was back in 1984 when a buck went a lot further. Istana Nurul Iman is also the official seat of Brunei's government, and since the 29th Sultan of Brunei calls it home, it has earned the Guinness World Record for largest residential palace. At more than 2.1 million square feet in size (200,000 square meters), the palace features 1,788 rooms, 257 bathrooms and 44 marble staircases. It also boasts an enormous mosque, complete with a golden dome.


In addition, there's a 5,000-person banquet hall, five swimming pools and a 110-car garage. Even the hundreds of polo ponies have it nice on the property, with their own air-conditioned stables! At 2,152,782 square feet (200,000 square meters), this impressive estate is several times larger than Buckingham Palace or the Palace of Versailles. Every year, for a few days after Ramadan, you can visit the palace for free and be personally greeted by the Sultan or his wife, depending on your gender.
