



Chinese Olympian Says What Sounded Like Swearing Was 'Bad Pronunciation'


A Chinese Olympian who was heard repeatedly swearing during a badminton match has attempted to explain the expletives as "bad pronunciation."

Chen Qingchen, 24, was shouting a slang term that loosely translates to "f***" in Mandarin throughout her women's doubles match against South Korea on Tuesday.

Chen was apparently swearing in frustration when she and teammate Jia Yifan, lost their first game in the competition.

During the second game, she yelled the expletive several more times at high-intensity moments, including when she and Jia scored points.

Chen, the world No 3 in women's badminton doubles, apologized for the outbursts in a statement released after the game.

"I was giving myself encouragement for scoring," she said. "I didn't expect that my bad pronunciation probably caused misunderstanding for everyone. I'm getting nervous. Thank you for your support. I will also adjust my pronunciation."

It remains unclear, however, what the badminton player had meant to say instead.

The Chinese pair defeated South Korea's Kim So-yeong and Kong Hee-yong on Tuesday and went on to win their quarter-final against Japan's Yuki Fukushima and Sayaka Hirota on Thursday.

The International Olympic Committee doesn't have rules about swearing during matches. However, the Badminton World Federation's code of conduct states that athletes should not use words "commonly known and understood in any language to be profane or indecent and uttered clearly and loudly enough to be heard by the umpire or spectators."

Many Chinese fans were unfazed by the uproar, however, and footage from the match has gone viral across social media. Clips of Chen swearing have been shared more than 100,000 times on Chinese microblogging site Weibo.

The Tokyo Games have not been entirely PG, with British swimmer Adam Peaty caught using the f-word during a live interview after his victory in the men's 100m breaststroke on Monday. A day later, Australian swimmer Kaylee McKeown did the same after winning the women's 100m breaststroke. She later apologized for the mishap.

According to some scientists, swearing makes us stronger and can increase physical performance.

Richard Stephens, a psychobiology researcher from Keele University in the U.K., found that uttering profanities increased physical performance by up to 8 percent and made participants more tolerant to pain, in a study released in 2017.

In earlier research, Stephens had found that swearing helps with pain management. "We did a study a number of years ago looking at why people swear when they hurt themselves and we found out it helps people cope with pain—they can cope with the pain for longer," he told Newsweek in 2017. "They showed raised heart rate, making us think the mechanism of the pain relief was to do with acute stress and the fight or flight response."



Chinese Olympian Says What Sounded Like Swearing Was 'Bad Pronunciation'



A Chinese Olympian who was heard repeatedly swearing during a badminton match has attempted to explain the expletives as "bad pronunciation."





栗子:The importance of being an Olympian will vary from athlete to athlete.参加奥运会对每个运动员都有不同的意义。

  1. swear
  2. [swe?(r)],作动词,

咒骂。栗子:It's wrong to swear and shout.骂人大喊大叫是不对的。

发誓。栗子:I swear I've told you all I know.我发誓我已经告诉你了我所知道的一切。

郑重许诺。栗子:Alan swore that he would do everything in his power to help us.艾伦郑重承诺他会尽力帮助我们。


[?b?dm?nt?n],作名词,羽毛球运动。栗子:I play badminton and football. 我打羽毛球,踢足球。



栗子:The people around her that are full of (expletive), just agreeing with her, like, it's kind of crazy.她周围的人满怀(咒骂),总是附和她,一切都疯了。

Chen Qingchen, 24, was shouting a slang term that loosely translates to "f***" in Mandarin throughout her women's doubles match against South Korea on Tuesday.

周二,24岁的陈清晨在与韩国女双的比赛中大喊俚语,可以用普通话粗略翻译成“f ***”。

slang term


slang term


栗子:'Old man' is a slang term for 'father'. old man是俚语,指父亲。


[sl??],作名词,俚语; 行话。

栗子:Archie liked to think he kept up with current slang. 阿奇乐于认为自己能跟上时代的新俚语。



栗子:His shirt hung loosely over his thin shoulders. 他的衬衣松松垮垮地挂在他瘦削的双肩上。



栗子:They no longer spoke Mandarin well enough to answer questions. 他们不再能很好地用普通话来回答问题了。

Chen was apparently swearing in frustration when she and teammate Jia Yifan, lost their first game in the competition.


During the second game, she yelled the expletive several more times at high-intensity moments, including when she and Jia scored points.



[jel],作动词/名词,(因兴奋、生气或痛苦) 大声叫喊。

栗子:I'm sorry I yelled at you last night.很抱歉我昨晚对你大喊大叫了。

  1. intensity
  2. [?n?tens?ti],作名词,强度;强烈。

  3. 栗子:The intensity of the work left little room for personal grief or anxiety. 该工作的强度很少给个人留下悲伤或忧虑的机会。



作动词,(比赛中) 得分; 进球。栗子:He scored late in the third quarter to cut the gap to 10 points.他在第3节快结束时进了一球,把分差缩小到10分。

作名词,得分; 分数。栗子:He won this year's title with a score of 9.687.他以9.687分赢得本年度的冠军。

作名词,比分。栗子:4-1 was the final score.最终比分是4:1。

    Chen, the world No. 3 in women's badminton doubles, apologized for the outbursts in a statement released after the game.

  1. 女子羽毛球双打世界排名第三的陈在赛后发表的一份声明中为这次情绪爆发而道歉。



(情感的) 爆发。栗子:…a spontaneous outburst of cheers and applause.…由衷爆发出的欢呼声和掌声。

(暴力活动的) 爆发期。栗子:Five people were reported killed today in a fresh outburst of violence.据报道今天有5人死于一起新的暴力事件。

"I was giving myself encouragement for scoring," she said. "I didn't expect that my bad pronunciation probably caused misunderstanding for everyone. I'm getting nervous. Thank you for your support. I will also adjust my pronunciation."

“我在鼓励自己得分,”她说。 “没想到我的错误发音可能会引起大家的误会,我越来越紧张了,谢谢大家的支持,我也会调整一下发音。”

It remains unclear, however, what the badminton player had meant to say instead.


The Chinese pair defeated South Korea's Kim So-yeong and Kong Hee-yong on Tuesday and went on to win their quarter-final against Japan's Yuki Fukushima and Sayaka Hirota on Thursday.

这对中国组合在周二击败了韩国的金素英和孔熙容,并在周四对阵日本的福岛由纪和广田彩花的四分之一决赛中获胜。 quarter-final[?kw??t? ?fa?nl],作名词,1/4决赛。

栗子:The very least I'm looking for at the Open is to reach the quarter-finals.我期望在这次公开赛上最少进入1/4决赛。







The International Olympic Committee doesn't have rules about swearing during matches. However, the Badminton World Federation's code of conduct states that athletes should not use words "commonly known and understood in any language to be profane or indecent and uttered clearly and loudly enough to be heard by the umpire or spectators."


code of conduct


  1. 栗子:The sport has a strict code of conduct.

  2. 体育运动有严格的行为规范。


做形容词,亵渎的; 渎神的。栗子:…profane language….亵渎的话语。

做形容词,非宗教的; 世俗的。栗子:Cardinal Daly has said that churches should not be used for profane or secular purposes.戴利主教说过,教堂不应该用于非宗教或世俗的目的。


[?n?di?snt],做形容词,下流的。栗子:It is indecent to say that. 说那样的话是很不礼貌的。

  1. 其反义词为我们常见的词

  2. decent
  3. 像样的,得体的。



作动词,发出 (声音); 说。栗子:He uttered a snorting laugh.他扑哧一声笑了。

做形容词,完全的; 彻底的。栗子:This, of course, is utter nonsense.这当然纯属胡言乱语。



栗子:He umpired baseball games.他过去担任棒球比赛的裁判。


至于场上裁判到底是 “referee” 还是 “umpire” 大多取决于你看的是哪项运动,以及能否看得见裁判。Football 足球、rugby 英式橄榄球、martial arts 武术、snooker 斯诺克等运动的裁判通常被称为 “referee”。而 field hockey 曲棍球、netball 无挡板篮球、baseball 棒球、tennis 网球等运动中的裁判则被称为 “umpires”。一个要动,一个不动。


[spek?te?t?(r)],(尤指体育赛事的) 观众.

栗子:Thirty thousand spectators watched the final game.3万观众观看了那场决赛。

Many Chinese fans were unfazed by the uproar, however, and footage from the match has gone viral across social media. Clips of Chen swearing have been shared more than 100,000 times on Chinese microblogging site Weibo.




栗子:Mr King appears unfazed. 金先生似乎并不担心。




栗子:He looked as if nothing could faze him. 他显得镇静自若,遇事不惊。


  1. fazed
  2. 仓皇失措的; 焦虑不安的.

  3. 栗子:She wasn't fazed by his comments. 她并没有因他的话而惊慌失措。


骚动。栗子:The announcement caused uproar in the crowd.公告在人群中引起了一阵骚动。

哗然。栗子:The town is in uproar over the dispute.该城对此争端一片哗然。

footage[?f?t?d?],作名词,(描述某一事件的) 片段镜头。

栗子:The police replayed footage of the accident over and over again. 警察一遍又一遍地重放事故的片段。

go viral


go trending



[kl?p],该词意思很多,其基本意思为名词“夹子; 回形针;(电影、广播、电视节目的) 片断”。动词意思为“用夹子夹住; 夹紧;修剪;从报纸、杂志上) 剪下”。在这里的意思等同于


,为(电影、广播、电视节目的) 片断。

栗子:…an historical film clip of Lenin speaking.…一段列宁讲话的历史电影片断。

The Tokyo Games have not been entirely PG, with British swimmer Adam Peaty caught using the f-word during a live interview after his victory in the men's 100m breaststroke on Monday. A day later, Australian swimmer Kaylee McKeown did the same after winning the women's 100m breaststroke. She later apologized for the mishap.

东京奥运会并不完全是少儿有宜,英国游泳运动员亚当·皮蒂在周一男子100 米蛙泳比赛中获胜后,在现场采访中发现使用了f-词。一天后,澳大利亚游泳运动员凯莉·麦基翁在赢得女子100米蛙泳冠军后也做了同样的事情。她后来为这次小事故道歉。


(parental guidance),家长引导(建议家长对儿童加以引导) breaststroke[?breststr??k],作名词,蛙泳。栗子:I do not yet know how to swim breaststroke effectively.我还不知道如何有效地进行蛙泳。

拓展 仰泳





butterfly stroke


[?m?sh?p], 作名词,小灾难。

栗子:I managed to get home without (further) mishap. 我总算平安回到了家。

According to some scientists, swearing makes us stronger and can increase physical performance.


Richard Stephens, a psychobiology researcher from Keele University in the U.K., found that uttering profanities increased physical performance by up to 8 percent and made participants more tolerant to pain, in a study released in 2017.

英国基尔大学的心理生物学研究员理查德·斯蒂芬斯在 2017 年发布的一项研究中发现,说脏话可使身体表现提高 8%,并使参与者更能忍受疼痛。

  1. psychobiology
  2. [?sa?k??ba???l?d?i],作名词,心理生物学。



亵渎行为; 不敬的行为。栗子:A string of profanities came from his lips. 他嘴里说出一连串亵渎的话。

咒骂; 谩骂=swear words.栗子:He uttered a stream of profanities. 他脏话连篇。

  1. 前面已讲过该词的形容词形式

  2. profane
  3. .



宽容的。栗子:They need to be tolerant of different points of view.他们需要容忍不同的观点。

能耐…的。栗子:…plants which are more tolerant of dry conditions.…更耐干旱的植物。

In earlier research, Stephens had found that swearing helps with pain management. "We did a study a number of years ago looking at why people swear when they hurt themselves and we found out it helps people cope with pain—they can cope with the pain for longer," he told Newsweek in 2017. "They showed raised heart rate, making us think the mechanism of the pain relief was to do with acute stress and the fight or flight response."

在早期的研究中,斯蒂芬斯发现说脏话有助于缓解疼痛。他在 2017 年接受新闻周刊采访时说:“几年前我们做了一项研究,研究人们为什么在伤害自己时会说脏话,我们发现这有助于人们忍受疼痛——他们可以帮助忍受疼痛更长时间。” 他们表现出心率加快,让我们认为缓解疼痛的机制与身体的急性压力和战逃反应有关。”

  1. be to do with
  2. 与…有关;与…有联系.

  3. 栗子:it may be to do with history.这也许与历史有关。



严峻的,栗子:The war has aggravated an acute economic crisis.这场战争加剧了一场严峻的经济危机。急性的 [医学]。栗子:…a patient with acute rheumatoid arthritis.…一位患急性风湿性关节炎的病人。

敏锐的.栗子:When she lost her sight, her other senses grew more acute.失明以后,她的其他感官变得更加敏锐了。

fight or flight response或战或逃反应(生物应付威胁时的生理反应)。栗子:This process is known as the body's "fight or flight" response. 这个过程就是身体的“战或逃反应”。